Sunday, April 13, 2014

One Year

It's been one year since I've moved to Maryland, one year that I've been the Access Adventures Coordinator, and one year of crazy, wonderful, and wild times.

So after one year, it was back to Vegas. The trip was easier since I knew what to expect, but it's Vegas, so it was still long and exhausting. We did a lot of walking and sightseeing, and it was fun to get to explore sin city!

We went to Sigfried and Roy's Dolphin habitat, and sure enough, Sigfried himself was there! He came over and talked to our group for a long time, and was so wonderful! No one really knew who he was, but they talked about lions and tigers. He was awesome!

On the last night, we went to Dick's Last Resort restaurant, and I felt a little nostalgic about my first trip there. I didn't think I'd make it this far in Maryland. Every time this job got difficult, I told myself, "just make it through this trip, and in a month, you can quit and start over somewhere else" But then one moment, one interaction, or one silly comment reinforced why I love this job.

Taking adults with disabilities on vacations is hard. It's tiring, difficult, and sometimes, even embarrassing. But when a traveler thanks me, or says that they had a great time, I feel like it's all worth it.

This picture is a picture that I took on my first trip to Vegas in 2013. It was at Dick's Last Resort restaurant, and we took it the first night of the trip. It only felt right to take another picture at the same restaurant, in 2014.


While the people have changed, some things haven't changed. (Mostly that I was exhausted after both trips :) 

This opportunity has been incredible, and as I learned one night in January, you never know where you'll be in a day, a week, a month, or a year. I often think how incredible this job has been, and how close I was to turning it down, on multiple occasions. 

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